Sunday, September 28, 2008

Lament of the Late Bloomer

Perhaps Sunday evening at eight o'clock (I love writing out the word "o'clock". It's a terribly underused phrase nowadays) isn't the best time for unleashing my inner conflagrations of emotional conflict to the I'll settle for my profound thought of the day.

Happy late birthday, Somewhat Sequitur. The reason I say late birthday is that this blog was supposed to make its entrance into the world a looong time ago, indeed. At least, in my guilty mind. It's always good to channel your thoughts into an outlet of expression, right?

Well, frankly...I'm not quite the Michael Phelps of realization. Any thought/goal/aspiration that makes its way into my mind is shoved mercilessly into one of my 5 to 7 short-term memory slots (thank you, Mrs. Ford) within a couple days, and is completely thrown out once something momentarily more critical comes along, like studying for the SAT, grade-whoring my way into shamelessness, or finding the mother of all bs-ing methods. (BS? B.S.? b.s.?) "Hmm...Carrie's blog puts so much literature to shame...I should start a blog like her!" suffered a similar fate...until now. Maybe. Anyhow..I'm just always late. Late for maturity, late for school, late in starting a blog, late for starting anything. It's a product of my suffering of the It'll-Happen-Eventually syndrome, and its fed by my incessant lack of time/griping. What can ya do.

Oh, and here's another belated realization. It's not so bad to be a late bloomer, y'know? Ever heard of delayed gratification? That's what delay does to you. It makes the fruit of the effort that much more sweeter. And why didn't I immediately fix the grammatical error in that previous sentence ("that much more sweeter") before doing anything else? It PLEASES me more to fix it at the end, when I can see the correction's effect on this entire passage.

Speaking of oranges...I must homeworkificate. Okay, that sentence did NOT fall into the category of somewhat sequitur, but there's always time for the latter later. Story of my life, right?